AgriSearch, the Northern Ireland Agricultural Research and Development Council, is seeking a new independent farmer trustee to join its board.

The role is a formal position and involves reviewing financial statements and strategy documents, preparing strategy documents and interpreting research projects.

The overall purpose of the position is to govern the organisation.

“Trustees have considerable influence over the strategy of an organisation and play an important role in its effectiveness," said general manager Jason Rankin.

"The Trustees are responsible for ensuring that the organisation runs according to its constitution and that the financial management of the organisation is sound.”

It is a voluntary position and requires attendance of up to five trustee meetings throughout the year, plus possible further sub-committee meetings. Travel expenses may be claimed.

The position is for an initial three-year term and no more that three consecutive terms.

Applications, as well as applicant criteria, can be found on the AgriSearch website and the submission deadline if Friday, March 25.


AgriSearch is an independent charity, registered with the Charities Commission for Northern Ireland.

It was formed in 1997 to provide a mechanism through which beef, dairy and sheep farmers could have direct involvement in production orientated research.

“In recent years AgriSearch's role has grown from mainly being a co-funder of research to taking a much more active role in leading projects and acting as a liaison between researchers, advisors and the industry," added Rankin.

"It now has a pivotal role within the research and knowledge exchange functions for Northern Ireland's ruminant livestock sector."

Funds contributed to AgriSearch are used to commission research into the improvement and development of beef, sheep and dairy farming.

AgriSearch has said that its guiding principal is to provide practical benefit for primary producers to reduce costs, improve performance, drive innovation and improve welfare.