Farmers from across the world are set to descend on Clermont-Ferrand in France this year for the 32nd edition of the Sommet de l’Élevage (livestock summit) taking place on October 3-6.

Last year’s event saw a significant Irish attendance with representatives from Irish Hereford Prime, the Irish Charolais Cattle Society, the Irish Hereford Breed Society, and many other Irish farmers with a keen interest in livestock.

This year’s event will see over 2,000 head of livestock on display with a total of 1,500 exhibitors and 100,000 visitors expected to attend over the four days.

Blanc Bleu cattle on display at Sommet 2022

The 2023 event will see both the Limousin and Brown Swiss breeds host their national championships and the mixed Montbelliarde breed will host its inter-regional competition.

Limousins at Sommet

This year marks the fourth time the Limousin breed in France will use the event to host its national championships.

Divided into four half-days, the event is described by the organisers as “the world’s largest gathering of the Limousin breed” with over 140 Limousin breeders from across France represented at the show.

Over 400 Limousin cattle from the best French Limousin genetics will compete in the event.

An auction sale of elite breeding stock will round off activities on Thursday, October 5.

Brown swiss

The Brown Swiss breed will host its national championships at the event for the second-ever time.

A selection of Brown Swiss cows on display at the 2022 event

Brown Swiss farmers from across France will be present and over 150 Brown Swiss cattle will be competing in the championships.

The emphasis for breeders will be on welcoming Brown Swiss enthusiasts from other countries and developing contacts for potential exports.

The event has a significant dairy-breed presence with over 530 dairy cattle from a range of breeds set to be on show at the thee-day event.

Sustainability in livestock production is the theme for the 2023 event.