An number of lambs were “mauled” in a recent dog attack in Armagh, Police Service Northern Ireland (PSNI) has said.

The incident happened in the Creeveroe Road area of the county.

Police received a report of the incident on August 19, and the Dog Warden received a report on August 22.

The type of dog involved in the attack is unknown; there have been no reports of strays in the area and there are no witnesses.

In Northern Ireland, it is a criminal offence to allow a dog on any land containing livestock unless the dog is under control – which is defined as “restrained by a chain or other sufficient leash held by a person exercising proper control over the dog”.

The Dog (Northern Ireland) Order 1993 also stated that if a dog worries sheep (attacks or kills sheep or chases them in a way that may cause injury, suffering or financial loss to their owner) the person in charge of that dog is guilty of an offence. The penalty for this offence is a fine of up to £1,000.

NFU Mutual estimates that farm animals worth £165,000 were severely injured or killed by dogs in Northern Ireland last year.

Across the UK as a whole, it estimates £1.8 million worth of farm animals were killed or injured by dogs in 2022.

Earlier today, Agriland UK reported on a livestock worrying incident in Wales, whereby four pregnant cows died following a suspected dog chase.

As a result of being chased, the cows fell down a steep embankment and sustained “catastrophic injuries”, Welsh police said.

“This incident will result in a significant financial loss to the farmer as well as the emotional impact of finding his stock in such terrible circumstances,” police added.