Ensuring optimum flock health and performance will be top of the agenda at AgriSearch’s upcoming farm walks.
The events will showcase the four and eight-paddock rotational grazing systems implemented by the GrassCheck sheep farmers as part of the ‘Lamb from Grass’ project.
Additionally, there will be a discussion on the 2018 grazing season, grass management and flock performance to-date on the farms.
The walks will take place on the farms of:
- Isaac Crilly – 7 Fort Road, Lislaird, Castlederg, BT81 7UL – Monday, September 10, at 6:30pm;
- John Martin – Gordonall Farms, 93 Newtownards Road, Greyabbey, BT22 2QJ – Tuesday, September 11, at 5:00pm.
Registration for each event opens half an hour before the stated start times.
Worm control
Lesley Stubbings, an independent UK sheep consultant, will be on hand to discuss how to best ‘future-proof’ worm control on your farm and provide guidance on assessing ewe body condition and correct ewe nutrition at tupping time.
Both events will also focus on developing a flock health plan for your farm. Pre-tupping ram ‘MOT’ checks, winter-feeding options and forage budgeting will also be discussed.
In addition to the walks, AgriSearch will be hosting a technical flock health seminar on Tuesday, September 11, 10:30am, with registration from 10:00am.
The event will take place at the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute in Hillsborough, Co Down. The seminar will be led by Stubbings and will focus on the following:
- The use of the group four and five anthelmintics and sustainable control of parasites in sheep (SCOPS) – what she recommends and why;
- Treatment of ewes around lambing – what has changed and why have they changed;
- Resistance in sheep scab mites to the endectocides – what does this mean for farmers and what should they do;
- Liver fluke control for this autumn winter;
- The seminar will finish with an open session, where attendees are welcome to submit questions and topics prior to the seminar that Lesley will try to cover on the day.
More information
In the interests of biosecurity, those attending the walks are asked to wear clean clothing not previously worn while in direct contact with their own animals.
Outdoor work boots should not be worn and protective overalls and footwear will be provided.
For further information on the farm walks and seminar visit AgriSearch.