For the second month in a row, tractor registrations in the UK in November was significantly higher than in the same month last year.

At 728 machines, the monthly total was up by more than a third, compared with figures from November 2021.

Although tractor registrations were unusually low a year ago, this year’s figure was also 12% higher than the average November figure for the previous five years and was the highest for the time of year since 2017.

The annual registration total was still 2% down on the equivalent period last year but was 4% above the recent average for the first 11 months of the year.

In other news, the release date for season two of the popular TV series Clarkson’s Farm has been confirmed.

According to the show’s star, Jeremy Clarkson, and Amazon Prime Video, the series is set to return to our screens on February 10, 2023.

In what many might think is true Jeremy Clarkson fashion, the date was hinted at to fans in a rather fun way.

In an Instagram post on December 7, Clarkson and Prime posted a series of pictures with words highlighted in bold to spell out the since-confirmed date.