British Wool has announced that it is seeking a number of candidates for election to its non-executive board.

British Wool’s non-executive board consists of nine regionally elected and two publicly appointed independent members.

Collectively the board is responsible for the success of British Wool and provides strategic direction to the executive team that manages the business and reviews business performance, major business initiatives and investment.

Elected board members serve for three-year terms, and British Wool are now inviting nominations for board members to represent the English Southern, Welsh Northern and Scottish Southern regions.

The term of office for each of these positions will commence April 1, 2023.

The board members who have offered themselves for re-election are as follows.

  • Bob Blanden (English Southern Region);
  • Huw Evans (Welsh Northern Region);
  • Jim Robertson (Scottish Southern Region).

Non-executive board members are expected to work approximately 30 days a year, attending board meetings and other relevant committee meetings over a period of two to three days each month.

They are also expected to represent British Wool in their region.

The current annual remuneration is £9,218 per annum. Reasonable business expenses will also be paid.

Successful candidates will receive a full induction and be offered relevant training to assist them in carrying out their duties as a non-executive board member.

Candidates must be nominated by 10 registered British Wool members from the region they wish to represent.

No special form of nomination is required, but nomination forms can be downloaded from the British Wool website if required.

All nominators should supply their own address, authorised signature and membership number.

Nominations should arrive no later than 6:00p.m on Thursday, January 5, 2023.