Calls have been made to include EU agriculture projects in the €315 billion, Juncker Investment plan adopted by EU heads of state today by European farmers union Copa-Cogeca.

In a letter sent to EU Commission President Juncker, Copa-Cogeca called for projects in agriculture and forestry to be included in the investment Plan as this sector has a huge potential to boost growth and jobs upstream and downstream and get people back to work.

Copa-Cogeca Secretary-General Pekka Pesonen said he believes that the EU agriculture and forestry sectors must be a key element in the plan as they are one of the biggest economic sectors and play a strong role in strengthening the economy especially in EU rural areas.

“Areas like the bio-economy, research and innovation in the agri-food sector as well as infrastructures and grain storage capacity projects can deliver the objectives put forward in the plan. But the ambitious plan does not recognize this. Out of over 2000 applications already waiting, very few or none relate to agriculture. These projects are also not new and no one knows if they fit the bill. This must be revised,” he said.

The move came as the plan was agreed by EU heads of State and governments at the EU Summit in recent days.