Several of you have been sending us your pictures and videos of your cows’ first days out across the country.
Grass growth had been expected to boom this week. For many, it has marked the end of a long and hard winter, but we know not all farms are the same so we want to know what the situation is in your part of the world.
Are you itching to get your cows out or were you one of the first to get the electric fencer set up? And if so, are they out full-time or for part of the day?
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Last week AgriNet recorded growth rates averaging 47kg and 48kg DM/ha/day in Munster and Leinster.
Out west, growth over the last week averaged at 32kg DM/ha/day in Connacht.
GrassCheck’s forecast for Northern Ireland expected that the combination of warmer temperatures and light showers would put the last seven days’ growth back on track with the 10-year average.
The latest GrassCheck figures are expected to released tomorrow. Researchers had forecast average growth rates of almost 50kg DM/ha/day.