President Michael D Higgins is to be the guest of honour at this year’s National Ploughing Championships. The President will attend the Opening Ceremony at the event in Laois on September 24 at 12pm.
The ploughing run from September 24 to 26 at Ratheniaka Laois. Last year 187,000 visitors attended the event over three days making it the largest of its type in Europe.
Some 1,400 exhibitors are expected to be present at this year’s event. More than 400 staff are involved in the running of the event, with most of these volunteers.
In 2011 €36m was spent during the ploughing event, generating a tax take of €6.6m for the National Exchequer.
Nine generators are required this year, with 45,000km of electrical cable required to power the event. Organisers estimate 60,000 cups of tea and coffee will be sold each day.
For more information on the event see here.