Bimeda Ireland has launched Dectospot Spot-On; a 10mg/ml Deltamethrin spot-on treatment which is licensed for the control of lice and flies in cattle, sheep and lambs.
Dectospot provides flexibility to farmers; as it has zero milk withdrawal in cattle and can be used during both pregnancy and lactation.
As we head into key fly season, this spot-on solution is designed for farmers who are looking for products which deliver efficacy, convenience and value.
Fly control in the summer months is vital as nuisance flies reduce time grazing and lower productivity. Flies act as vectors for disease transmission and by reducing their contact with cattle, we can better control summer mastitis.
Dectospot is licensed for cattle and for ticks, lice, keds and established blowfly strike on sheep. It is also licensed for lice and ticks on lambs.
Dectospot is available in 4 pack sizes; 250ml, 500ml, 1 litre and 2.5 litres.
Sales Manager for Bimeda Ireland, Andrew Glynn, said the new product is a great addition to Bimeda’s range of high quality parasite control products including Endofluke, Ectofly, Bimectin Plus Injection, Ectoflits, Bimectin Pour On, Ectospec and Bimectin Injection.
“This latest addition to our range highlights our commitment to providing Irish farmers with a wide range of effective and affordable parasite control products.
“We are particularly pleased to announce that our easy-to-use Dectospot Spot-On is licensed for use during pregnancy and lactation, with a zero milk withdrawal, as we pride ourselves on providing Irish farmers with a choice of products that are effective, convenient and flexible.”