A major industry conference in Northern Ireland hopes to help dairy farmers adapt to meet some of the biggest challenges facing the industry.

The conference, which is titled ‘Unlock your herd’s potential’, will take place at CAFRE Greenmount Campus on Tuesday, November 19 and at The Silverbirch Hotel, Omagh on November 20.

Speakers will focus on how they, as farmers, researchers, vets and advisers, promote herd health and subsequent performance by focusing on herd management practices.


A number of international and local speakers will address delegates including:

Lloyd Holterman

Lloyd, Rosy Lane Holsteins, Wisconsin USA is milking 950 Holsteins with no antimicrobial use in the milking herd.

This is achieved by focusing on staff, measuring performance, finances and record-keeping, herd genetics and biosecurity with disease control.

Dr. Leonel Leal

Dr. Leonel Leal from Trouw Nutrition Research and Development and Wageningen University in the Netherlands, will discuss research findings on calf rearing and how this impacts on the cow’s health and performance on entry to the milking herd.

Dr. Sam Strain

Dr. Sam Strain from Animal Health and Welfare Northern Ireland will outline the growing issue of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

Dr. Strain will focus on the development of AMR on farms, human health implications and the need for change.

Samantha McCarroll

Samantha, a dairy farmer from Fintona, recently travelled to the Netherlands on a CAFRE Farm Innovations Visit.

The visit focused on youngstock-rearing. Samantha will outline what she learnt from her visit and the changes she has adopted on the home farm.

Dr. Aidan Cushnahan

Aidan, CAFRE dairying adviser, recently completed a study tour through the Farmers Club Charitable Trust, where he studied the factors that may enhance the lifetime performance of dairy cows entitled: ‘Is a 50,000L Lifetime Production Herd Average a Reality?’ Aidan will discuss his findings.

Dr. Brian McAuley & Dr. Keith Sheridan

Local vets, Brian (Greenmount), and Keith (Silverbirch), will demonstrate how they have assisted clients with the implementation of herd health plans.

These plans incorporate biosecurity measures, screening and vaccination programmes and standard operating practices for commonly occurring herd health issues.

Jason McFerran

Finally, Jason, CAFRE agri-business, will discuss the need for farmers to measure in order to manage. Jason will identify key performance indicators and focus on how these can be used to manage herd performance.

To book your place

The conference is aimed at dairy farmers and all those with an interest in improving herd performance.

Interest in this event is anticipated to be high so if you want to be guaranteed a place please book early.

Conference costs £20 per person if booked on or before November 8, and £25 thereafter. Places can be booked through the UFU website.

If you have difficulty booking online, please contact Angela Scott at UFU HQ on: 028-9037-0222. Payment in full is required at the time of booking by credit or debit card.