Mona Dairy has said its key priority is securing a “safe home” for its 31 farmers and other staff after it announced its Anglesey cheese factory cannot “keep functioning in its current form”.

The cheese factory was the product of five years of development and Mona Dairy said that it has had to fight against many factors outside of its control during the process of its establishment.

The cheese producer said it is sad to announce that it has failed to source sufficient short-term funding from its key stakeholders.

It remains hopeful that it can secure a future for the factory, even if this must be done under new ownership.

“We remain hopeful that we can secure a new outcome in the coming days and Mona Dairy will be able to continue its journey, even if that means it is under new ownership,” it said.

“The key priority of the main individual shareholders David Wynne-Finch and Ronald Akkerman is now to secure a safe home for our 31 farmers and for our loyal, dedicated staff, who believed in our vision and supported us on our journey.

“We will be keeping our staff on for as long as we can, as we work through our options.”

For its farmers, Mona Dairy said it has secured an “established dairy processing company” as an interim milk buyer who will take their milk in the short-term.

“They will be paid for any milk supplied under this interim arrangement by that milk buyer,” Mona Dairy said.

The cheese producer said it will provide updates on the ongoing situation as and when it can.