Leading Scottish politicians will address Scotland’s farmers and crofters when they rally on Wednesday, November 2, outside the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh.

The rally comes at a time when Scotland’s farmers and crofters are being consulted by Scottish government on a future agricultural policy for the nation.

National Farmers Union (NFU) Scotland President, Martin Kennedy said:

“The Scottish government consultation on a new Agriculture Bill is a critical step on the road to a new agricultural policy and determining fundamental changes to how farming and crofting will be supported in the future.

“But farmers and crofters are being asked to discuss these massive issues in an information vacuum.

Kennedy said that farmers and crofters will deliver a clear message that any powers created by the proposed new Agriculture Bill must put food production at the heart of delivering all the economic, social and environmental benefits that all agricultural businesses will be asked to deliver.

“The Scottish Parliament must acknowledge that active farming and crofting have the answers when it comes to putting high quality, local, sustainable, and affordable food on the table and at the same time delivering for the nation on climate change and biodiversity.

“Only farmers and crofters across Scotland can turn the dry legislation of a new Agriculture Bill into practices that deliver for food, climate and nature but we need to know now from Scottish government what those options look like.

“The lack of recognition of our industry within the Bill, and all it delivers, is unacceptable and fails to acknowledge the urgent need to address the worsening food security crisis.”