BCS your spring calving cows now before housing
As cows are progressing further into the lactation, closer to drying-off and closer to the housing period, body condition scoring...
As cows are progressing further into the lactation, closer to drying-off and closer to the housing period, body condition scoring...
The drying-off of cows is ongoing on farms, with many farms now approaching the final few cows that are still...
As we move into November, planning must get underway for drying-off cows and ensuring that you have all of the...
Drying-off is going to be the next major event to occur on most dairy farms. There are a number of...
Ahead of drying-off cows, which on many farms will begin later this month, it is a good idea to determine...
As cows enter the shed and preparation for drying-off is getting underway, a job that should be completed over the...
Monitoring of body condition score (BCS) in winter milk cows is important at this stage of lactation, to ensure excess...
The next major event to occur on most dairy farms after housing will be the drying-off of cows for the...
Ahead of drying-off taking place on farms you should be booking or planning in your final milk recording for the...
Mileutis, an Israeli-based biopharmaceutical animal and human health company has completed a rigorous, randomised, case-controlled, clinical field trial. The results...
Ahead of drying off, it is important to determine the body condition score (BCS) of spring-calving cows. To ensure that...
Recent trial work carried out by the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) has highlighted the benefits of selective dry cow...
Autumn-calving cows are approaching the end of their lactations and are now at the point where farmers may be considering...
With only 10 weeks left until the month of February, the focus is slowly turning – on spring-calving dairy farms...
Many spring-calving dairy farmers have – or should have – begun to dry-off cows; however, usually during this time of...
“50% of all clinical mastitis cases, in the first 100 days of the next lactation, can be linked back to...
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is rising and it is not just happening at farm level. AMR is linked to increased antibiotic...
Research has shown that antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is happening across the world in both humans and animals. This means more...