Food & Drink Wales have held a reception in Qatar featuring leading producers, as the countdown begins to Wales’ participation at the Qatar 2022 World Cup in four weeks’ time.

Held at the British Embassy in Doha and hosted by HM Ambassador to Qatar, Jon Wilks CMG, the dinner and showcase of Welsh food and drink kicks off a series of high-profile events as the Welsh government uses the platform of Wales’ appearance at the World Cup to help raise its profile across the globe.

These include activities held in Wales, Qatar and the United States of America, with the Welsh government’s World Cup Partner Support Fund providing £1.8 million of funding to help share Welsh culture, arts, and heritage across the world in a bid to boost its economy and profile.

The Qatari market remains important for the Welsh food and drink industry, with it being one of the wealthiest countries in the world and importing the vast majority of its food requirements.

Attending the reception were some of the leading figures in Qatari food and drink, including influential trade representatives from hotels, supermarkets and restaurants, with the aim deepening ties between the two countries.

Welsh Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd, Lesley Griffiths said:

“We are all very excited to seeing Wales at the World Cup, our first for 64 years. It also provides a great opportunity to promote Welsh food and drink to key buyers in Qatar.

“Our flourishing food and drink industry is a success story which belongs on the world stage.

“The products and businesses featured at the event offered just a snapshot of the quality we have to offer.

“The fact exports of Welsh food and drink continue to grow to record highs underlines the quality of our producers and how the industry is working hard to strengthen ties with trading partners worldwide.”