Looking forward to a prosperous 2014
Agriland does not like odd numbers – so on that basis alone, let’s wish a cheerful goodbye to 2013 and...
Agriland does not like odd numbers – so on that basis alone, let’s wish a cheerful goodbye to 2013 and...
November started of with a week-long Bord Bia-led Irish agriculture trade visit to the Gulf States. There was more positive...
Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) policy director Wesley Aston has told AgriLand that the Stormont executive must meet today in order...
The Rabobank Global Cattle Price Index has risen by six per cent since June, driven by lower-than-expected beef supply in...
According to a number of dairy analysts, milk production in Southeast Asia has come under threat as it struggles with...
Latest indicators confirm the ongoing structural trends in rural areas across the EU. The annual report on Rural Development indicators...
August began with the news that Dawn Fresh Foods was closing its plant in Fethard with the loss 104 permanent...
July brought sunshine, with a heatwave in full swing. Ireland was officially declared in a state of drought and the Department of...
Eoin Donnelly, Agri Business Manager at First Trust Bank, has confirmed to AgriLand that his organisation is actively making additional...
JUNE: With a warm sun on their backs farmers were able to get out into their fields with a degree...
MAY: The weather eventually turned for the better during the second week of May, at which stage the entire farming...
The 2013 Teagasc National Liquid Milk Conference and farm tour took place in Navan, County Meath. This year’s event included...
The annual Teagasc National Dairy Conference took place in Limerick in November. This year’s event had a very exciting line...
An increasing number of plant species are under threat from the demands being put on agriculture to produce more food...
Dairy farmers need to learn from the mistakes of the Celtic tiger property boom and not leap into post-quota expansion. This...
A record-breaking 228,000 people turned out in Ratheniska for the three-day event that was the National Ploughing Championships. What a...
A major animal health think-in took place in Cork in October. The conference which was organised by Animal Health Ireland...
FEBRUARY: The beginning of February saw Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney battling with the challenge that was the horsemeat crisis. It...