Top Stories This Week
All things machinery Huge Irish presence set for Agritechnica
All things community: Farmers are the heart of rural Ireland
All things livestock: 46% drop in young bull kill week year on year
All things malting: Malting barley excellence celebrated
All things banking Danske says yes to farming
All things shearing Shear golden opportunity for Wexford as world championships secured
All things Animal Health IrelandParasite control at housing
All things National Dairy Council NDC mark is ‘anti-competitive’ says Strathroy Dairy, business may close
All things single farm payment Payment of outstanding SFP monies a priority- ICMSA
All things trade Call for farmers to reinforce opposition to Mercosur deal
All things succession Planning for succession to deliver success
Innovation Livestock ryegrass wins research award
All things seafood Irish seafood industry takes on China
All things AESO: AEOS admin headache highlighted in Teagasc survey
All things co-ops: Researching the future of Irish co-ops
All things cross-compliance: ‘Education is key not regulation’
All things risk: Risk management post quota
All things share farming: Share and farm alike
All things EirGridOpposition grows to EirGrid plans
All things Renewables Renewable Energy Conference to identify new business opportunities for farmers
All things ICMSA Deficit in the level of training for young farmers – IFMA
All things weather Silage pits open across the country
All things Kerry Kerry Group employ 300 already at Naas research hub
All things food Recipe for success: Oiling the wheels of success
All things prevention Isolation and money worries spark high suicide prevention cases
All things property tax Option to deduct property tax from farm payments
All things agri-environment Education is key not regulation
All things fluke The growing scourge of liver fluke
All things banking Bank on Ulster Bank for young farmer financial packages
All things China Researchers uncover origins of cattle farming in China
All things TAMS High uptake level of TAMS dairy equipment scheme
All things inspections 793 farm inspections so far this year
Nuffield Ireland
Nuffield: Taking the bull by the horns
Taking the lead and unlocking potential
National Organic Conference
National organic conference under way
‘Majority of people willing to pay more for organic food but price key’
Smart Farming
Smart farming takes the lead
Time is of the essence, key to farm profit
Regular soil testing is so important
Is processing inefficiency eroding dairy co-op shareholder value?
Grasstec: Increased appetite = increased grass utilisation = reduced soil damage
Kiev calling: Big opportunities for Irish agri-food companies in the East
The View from Northern Ireland
Managing the freshly calved cow
Transition dairy cow feeding research
CAP allocation for Northern Ireland secured
Solid fuel diversification catches fire
The View from Teagasc
Winter feeding options for replacement dairy heifers
Managing the early lambing ewe
New multimillion pig innovation centre
Energy demand analysis as a sustainability indicator in dairy production
Know your machinery costs
Experts discuss group agri-environment payments
Economics of weight gain