US milk production increased 2.7% in October 2016 on the corresponding month last year, figures from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) show.
Milk production in the 23 major states in October totalled 16.5 billion pounds.
Production per cow in the 23 major States averaged 1,903lbs for October, 43lbs above October 2015.
Cow numbers in the US continue to increase, with the number of dairy cows on farms in the 23 major States standing at 8.67m head, 31,000 head more than October 2015.
While cow numbers are up on October last year, they are back 2,000 head on September 2016. This is the second month in a row that cow numbers have decreased on the month previous.
In September, dairy cow numbers were also down in the region of 2,000 head.
Milk production in the whole of the United States during October totalled 17.6 billion pounds, up 2.5% from October 2015, the figures show.
Production outlook
Following downward revisions of previous dairy cow numbers, the USDA milk production forecast for 2016 is lowered 0.2 billion pounds to 212.5 billion pounds.
The forecast for dairy cows is lowered 25,000 head for 2017 to 9.370m head.
With a lower expected dairy herd more than offsetting a slightly higher milk per cow forecast, the new forecast for milk production in 2017 is 217.0 billion pounds, 0.3 billion pounds lower than last month, the USDA has said.