Farmers in the North must capitalise on the opportunities of Brexit
If farmers and food businesses in Northern Ireland accept Brexit is going to happen, then they must look at how...
If farmers and food businesses in Northern Ireland accept Brexit is going to happen, then they must look at how...
If farmers and food businesses in Northern Ireland accept Brexit is going to happen, then they must look at how...
The silence from Ireland’s compound animal feed industry, regarding the impact of Brexit on the sector, has been pretty deafening....
Farmers in Northern Ireland may well have to prepare for a life without direct agricultural support subsidies according to James...
Farmers in Northern Ireland may well have to prepare for a life without direct agricultural support subsidies according to James...
New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra has encouraged the UK to adopt an open trade policy post-Brexit. Fonterra’s Trade Strategy and...
Sterling has weakened by 18% against the euro since the Brexit vote was taken in the UK, according to IBEC...
Farmers, those in the farm supply chain business, hauliers and any business and individuals affected by Brexit, are being asked...
Filling the €3 billion hole in the EU’s coffers, post-Brexit, is a major concern for the IFA, according to the...
The coming weeks will see the Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) assess which farm support policies will best meet the needs...
The Ulster Farmers’ Union will draw up its Brexit policy shopping list over the coming weeks, according to the organisation’s...
The Ulster Farmers’ Union will draw up its Brexit policy shopping list over the coming weeks, according to the organisation’s...
Farmers in Northern Ireland will have to brace themselves for a change regarding the way subsidies are made available to...
The UK Prime Minister, Theresa May announced that the UK plans to leave the European Union single market as part...
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) support changes post-Brexit will have a major impact on all the farming sectors in Northern Ireland,...
Red tape from being a member of the EU will be scrapped to help British farmers get on and grow fantastic...
The specific implications of Brexit for Irish agriculture must be worked through as part of the next CAP review negotiations,...
A soft Brexit will be incredibly difficult to achieve, economist Jim Power told a meeting of the Oireachtas Joint Committee...